Ashes to Go

Drive Thru Ashes for Ash Wednesday

Why “Ashes to Go”?

Ashes are an ancient sign of penitence. From the Middle Ages it became the custom to begin Lent by being marked in ash with the sign of the cross. All of the atoms in our bodies were once part of an exploding star and both the book of Genesis in the creation stories and Astrophysicists remind us that we are created out of star dust and the breath of heaven. And we know that one day, when we die, what has come from God, will return to God and what has come from the earth, will return to the earth. Remembering that we are created of dust and to dust we will one day return makes our time here on earth that much sweeter and that much more precious. The reminder that we are dust allows us to remember the creative power of God, and God’s ability to heal the brokenness in our lives when we offer that brokenness to God.

We’re offering drive up ashes because this reminder of need, humility, and healing shouldn’t be
confined to a church building. We probably need it more when we are in the middle of our daily business! The ashes we receive are to remind us throughout the day of our need for God, and of God calling us into relationship.